Images of the comet Hale-Bopp

April '97

taken by Gianluca Masi, Ceccano (FR) Italy

24 April 1997. This picture shows the inner coma. 18.54 U.T. 30 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

24 April 1997. This picture shows the inner region around the nucleus, with dust waves. 19.02 U.T. 1 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

24 April 1997. This picture shows the hidden features of the region near the nucleus. 19.15 U.T. 8 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32 (Larson/Sekanina).

19 April 1997. This is a four frame mosaic, taken from 19.31 to 19.42 U.T. Each frame 1 min exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7

19 April 1997. 18.26 U.T. 3 sec. exposure This picture shows the inner region around the nucleus, with dust waves. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

As above, but displayed in the form of 3D plot. Look at the shells.

17 April 1997. This is a four frame mosaic, taken from 19.58 to 20.07 U.T. Each frame 1 min exposure. Some clouds in the sky. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7

17 April 1997. 20.10 U.T. 3 sec. exposure This picture shows the inner region around the nucleus, with dust waves. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

10 April 1997. This picture shows the hidden features of the region near the nucleus. 19.09 U.T. 10 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32 (Larson/Sekanina).

These four images show the evolution of the inner region of the coma, around the nucleus. They have been taken on 4, 6, 8, 10 April 1997. It is clearly visible the dust waves expansion and how the luminosity of the shells changes with the time.Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

8 April 1997. This picture shows the inner coma. 18.52 U.T. 1 min. exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

8 April 1997. This picture shows the hidden features of the region near the nucleus. 18.45 U.T. 15 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32 (Larson/Sekanina).

6 April 1997. 18.57 U.T. 1 min exposure. Lens 180 mm f/2.8, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. Note the open cluster M34 on the left.

6 April 1997. This is a five frame mosaic, taken from 18.57 to 19.12 U.T. Each frame 1 min exposure. Lens 180 mm f/2.8, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

4 April 1997. This is a five frame mosaic, taken from 18.43 to 18.59 U.T. Each frame 1 min exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

