Images of the comet Hale-Bopp
February '97
taken by Gianluca Masi, Ceccano (FR) Italy

8 Febrary 1997. 4.21 U.T. 8 min exposure. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

8 Febrary 1997. These images have been taken from
3.45 to 5.14 U.T. It is clearly visible the proper motion of the comet.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

2 Febrary 1997. 5.06 U.T. 12 min exposure. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.