It also available a page showing Supernovae imaged at Bellatrix Observatory
This picture shows the galaxy M51 (CVn). SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7,
elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. DDP scaling. 03 Feb. 2002. Integration time: 5*2 minutes. Note: moon - last quarter.
This picture shows the galaxy NGC 1023. SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7,
elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft: DDP scaling 14 oct. 2001. Integration time: 5*3 minutes
This picture shows the galaxy IC342. SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7,
elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. DDP scaling. 14 oct. 2001. Integration time: 5*3 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 2608 with the supernova SN 2001bg. SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 26 May 2001. Integration time: 5 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy M88 (Com). Below in the frame, on the left, the brightest star us the cataclysmic variable AL Com, during an extremely rare superoutburst. SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 26 May 2001. Integration time: 2 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 5921 with the supernova SN 2001X. SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 13 May 2001. Integration time: 2*5 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy M108 (UMa). SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 20 december 2000. Integration time: 15 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 925 (Tri). SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 17 december 2000. Integration time: 2*15 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy M74 (Psc). SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 16 december 2000. Integration time: 2*15 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy M81 (UMa). SC 280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaborazion: QMiPS32 and CCDSoft. 28 november 2000. Integration time: 15 minutes

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 495 (Pisces) and
SN 1999ej. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 27 Nov.
1999. G. Masi, A. Cassetti.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC7331, Pegasus. SC
280mm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.20 June 1999.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC 6038 (Corona Borealis)
and SN 1999cc. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 5 June

This picture shows the galaxy M88 (Coma Berenices)
and SN 1999cl. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 5 June

This picture shows the galaxy UGC 8539 (Canes Venatici)
and SN 1999cf. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 5 June

This picture shows the galaxy NGC6946, Cepheus. SC
280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy M96 (Leo) and SN 1998bu.
SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 10 may 1998. Full

This picture shows the galaxy NGC6495 (Hercules)
and SN 1998bp. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 10
may 1998. Bright moon.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC3877 (Ursa Major)
and SN 1998S. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. 7 may
1998. Bright moon.

This picture shows the galaxy M106, Canes Venatici.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32. SC 28 cm f/6.3,
CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration: QMiPS32. 21 april 1998

This picture shows the galaxy m66, Leo. SC 28 cm
f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration: MaxIm DL and QMiPS32. 20 april 1998

This picture shows the galaxy NGC3982 (Ursa Major)
and the SN 1998aq. SC 280mm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.
20 april 1998. 1998

This picture shows the galaxy m96, Leo. SC 28 cm
f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration:QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy M61, Virgo. SC 28 cm
f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy M63, Canes Venatici.
SC 28 cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC3963, Ursa Major.
It is visible the SN 1997ei. SC 28 cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the galaxyNGC891, Andromeda. SC
28 cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the galaxy m82, Ursa Major. SC
28 cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the galaxy m108, Ursa Major. SC
28 cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the galaxy m65, Leo. SC 28 cm
f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31),
Andromeda. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the emission knot NGC206, in M31,
Andromeda. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC253, Sculptor. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy M33, Triangulum. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxies M84 and M86, Virgo.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the Wirpoorl Galaxy (M51), Canes
Venatici. Note the companion NGC 5195. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7,
elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M63, Canes Venatici.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M49, Virgo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M61, Virgo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M90, Virgo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M95, Leo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M98, Coma Berenices.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy NGC4438, Virgo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy NGC4535, Virgo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the Black-eye Galaxy (M64), Coma
Berenices. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M81, Ursa Major. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy M82, Ursa Major. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the giant galaxy M87, Virgo. Note
the famous jet. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the Pinwheel Galaxy (M101), Ursa
Major. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the Sombrero Galaxy (M104), Virgo.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the galaxy M106, Canes Venatici.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the galaxy NGC2403, Camelopardalis.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy NGC2903, Leo. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy NGC4565, Coma Berenices.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32..

This picture shows the galaxy NGC4656, Canes Venatici.
Note the satellite trail. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration:

This picture shows the galaxy NGC891, Andromeda.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration:CCDSoft.

This picture shows the galaxy M 77, Cetus. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7, elaboration: QMiPS32.
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