New variable star near M27

discovered by Gianluca Masi, Ceccano (FR) Italy

Subject: new variable near M27
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 13:27:12 -0400 (EDT)

To: Gianluca Masi

Dear Gianluca,

Thank you very much for your emails about the variable star you have discovered
near M27. Congratulations on your discovery!

I have asked Dr. Martha Hazen, the Curator of the Harvard photographic plate
collection, to examine this star on the Harvard plates so that the type of
variability can be determined. She said she will check the plates as she has
the chance to. We have printed the finder chart you put on your web site
identifying the variable, and I have given Dr. Hazen a copy of this chart. We
will let you know the results of Dr. Hazen's investigation.

May I suggest that you continue to make CCD observations of this star in order
to learn more about the star's variability?

Again, my congratulations to you.

with best wishes and regards,

Dr. Janet A. Mattei
Director, AAVSO

Masi's variable
