Images of the comet Hale-Bopp
May '97
taken by Gianluca Masi, Ceccano (FR) Italy

3 May 1997. This is a three frame mosaic, taken from
19.11 to 19.18 U.T. Each frame 1 min exposure. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD
SBIG ST-7. Log-scaled.

3 May 1997. This picture shows the inner region around
the nucleus, with dust waves. 19.07 U.T. 5 sec exposure. Reflector 15 cm
f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

3 May 1997. This picture shows the hidden features
of the region near the nucleus. 19.09 U.T. 10 sec exposure. Reflector 15
cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32 (Larson/Sekanina).