This picture shows the Orion Nebula (M42), Orion.
SC 28cm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, 1 min exposure; elaboration: CCDSoft and QMiPS32. 22 Dec. 2000. Log scaled

This picture shows the Owl Nebula (M97), Ursa Maior.
SC 28cm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7, 15 min exposure; elaboration: CCDSoft and QMiPS32. 5 Dec. 2000.

This picture shows the Dumbbell Nebula (M27), Vulpecula.
SC 28cm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: CCDSoft and QMiPS32. 1 September

This picture shows the Eagle Nebula (M16), Serpens.
SC 28cm f/3.3, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32. 12 July 1999.

This picture shows the Blinking Nebula (NGC6826),
Cygnus. SC 28cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration:QMiPS32. 31 may 1998

This picture shows the Ring Nebula (M57), Lyra. SC
28cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration:QMiPS32. 31 may 1998

This picture shows the inner region of the Orion
Nebula (M42), Orion. It is visible the Trapezium. SC 28cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG

This picture shows the Crab Nebula (M1), Taurus.
SC 28cm f/6.3, CCD SBIG ST-7. Elaboration: CCDSoft and QMiPS32.

This picture shows the Dumbbell Nebula (M27), Vulpecula.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the Bubble Nebula (NGC7635), Cassiopeia.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: CCDSoft.

This picture shows the nebula NGC7023, Cepheus. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: CCDSoft.

As above, but using pseudocolor

This picture shows the Omega Nebula (M17), Sagittarius.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

As above, but using pseudocolors: note the faintest
details. Elaboration: CCDSoft.

This picture shows the Trifid Nebula (M20), Sagittarius.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32

As above, but using pseudocolors

This picture shows the Lagoon Nebula (M8), Sagittarius.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

As above, but using pseudocolors. Elaboration: CCDSoft.

This picture shows the Veill Nebula (NGC6992), Cygnus.
Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration: QMiPS32.

This picture shows the Great Nebula in Orion(M42).
Look at its delicate structures. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7; elaboration:

This picture shows the nebula M78, Orion. Reflector
15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the famous Rosette Nebula (NGC2237),
Monoceros. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD SBIG ST-7.

This picture shows the Crab Nebula, Taurus. In the
field it is visible the minor planet 211 Isolda. Reflector 15 cm f/5, CCD
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