Informazioni su Pianeti e Sole

presentate da Gianluca Masi, Ceccano (FR) Italy


N.B.: Tutti i dati qui riportati sono stati ottenuti con "TheSky" (Software Bisque)

Qui trovi numerose informazioni sui Pianeti e sul Sole, come la posizione e il diametro angolare apparente. Tutti i tempi sono espressi in T.U.

****************************************************************************************** Planetary, Sun and Moon Data Date: 3/15/2005 Time Zone: 0.0 Latitude: +42°00'00", Longitude: +00°00'00", Elevation (meters): 0     DeltaT: 108.811 seconds UT: 00:00:00.0, LST: 11:30:47.1 Julian Day: 2453444.500000 ****************************************************************************************** Sun Rise: 6:13 AM on 3/15/2005 Transit: 12:09 PM on 3/15/2005 Set: 6:05 PM on 3/15/2005 RA: 23h 39m 49.1s Dec: -02°11'07" Azm: 356°28'40" Alt: -50°08'01" Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +354°30'40" b: +00°00'00" r: 0.994483 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +354°30'40" b: +00°00'00" r: 0.994483 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 23h 39m 49s Dec: -02°11'01" Physical Data LO: 132.51 BO: -7.17 P: -24.44 Apparent angular diameter: 00°32'10" Jupiter Transit: 1:35 AM on 3/15/2005 Set: 7:19 AM on 3/15/2005 Rise: 7:47 PM on 3/15/2005 RA: 13h 02m 48.3s Dec: -04°59'26" Azm: 150°08'32" Alt: +38°33'11" (with refraction: +38°34'25") Phase: 99.884%, Apparent magnitude: -2.44 Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: 192°29'09.0" b: +01°18'10.2" r: 5.456283 Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +196°22'55" b: +01°34'21" r: 4.521073 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +196°22'46" b: +01°34'21" r: 4.521060 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 13h 02m 48s Dec: -04°59'25" Physical Data DE: -2.95°, DS: -2.56°, Position angle: 24.27°. Longitude of central meridian: System I: 77.22°, System II: 320.49° Correction for phase: 0.07 Apparent equatorial diameter: 43.5  Apparent polar diameter: 40.7  Saturn Set: 3:29 AM on 3/15/2005 Rise: 12:30 PM on 3/15/2005 Transit: 7:58 PM on 3/15/2005 RA: 07h 28m 30.3s Dec: +21°59'43" Azm: 268°07'07" Alt: +36°05'57" (with refraction: +36°07'18") Phase: 99.756%, Apparent magnitude: -0.42 Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: 116°06'05.5" b: +00°06'18.0" r: 9.065897 Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +110°26'31" b: +00°06'39" r: 8.586803 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +110°26'24" b: +00°06'39" r: 8.586826 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 07h 28m 30s Dec: +21°59'43" Physical Data Latitude of the Earth B: -23.935° Latitude of the Sun Bd: -22.323° Position angle: 353.302° Semi-major axis of rings: 43.71" Semi-minor axis of rings: 17.73" Apparent equatorial diameter: 19.3  Apparent polar diameter: 15.7  Uranus Rise: 5:42 AM on 3/15/2005 Transit: 11:10 AM on 3/15/2005 Set: 4:38 PM on 3/15/2005 RA: 22h 38m 51.6s Dec: -09°20'14" Azm: 22°58'29" Alt: -55°23'55" Phase: 99.995%, Apparent magnitude: 5.93 Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: 336°57'06.8" b: -00°45'58.5" r: 20.061765 Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +337°46'19" b: -00°43'54" r: 21.011981 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +337°46'14" b: -00°43'54" r: 21.011969 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 22h 38m 52s Dec: -09°20'14" Physical Data Apparent angular diameter: 3.33 Neptune Rise: 4:44 AM on 3/15/2005 Transit: 9:47 AM on 3/15/2005 Set: 2:50 PM on 3/15/2005 RA: 21h 15m 52.2s Dec: -15°59'55" Azm: 58°15'47" Alt: -51°07'38" Phase: 99.990%, Apparent magnitude: 7.97 Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: 315°19'01.7" b: -00°06'26.9" r: 30.064497 Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +316°29'12" b: -00°06'17" r: 30.841655 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +316°29'08" b: -00°06'17" r: 30.841647 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 21h 15m 52s Dec: -15°59'55" Physical Data Apparent angular diameter: 2.17 Pluto Rise: 1:03 AM on 3/15/2005 Transit: 6:09 AM on 3/15/2005 Set: 11:15 AM on 3/15/2005 RA: 17h 37m 01.8s Dec: -15°09'15" Azm: 100°22'35" Alt: -11°12'49" Phase: 99.974%, Apparent magnitude: 13.90 Heliocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: 262°32'23.5" b: +08°10'19.6" r: 30.923486 Geometric geocentric ecliptical coordinates: l: +264°24'13" b: +08°10'36" r: 30.906890 Mean geometric ecliptical coordinates: l: +264°24'09" b: +08°10'37" r: 30.906794 True equatorial coordinates: RA: 17h 37m 02s Dec: -15°09'15" Physical Data Apparent angular diameter: 0.13

Configurazione Sistema Solare

Il Cielo del mese
